Our software typically identifies 30% cost savings from your cloud bill.

And we teach you how to make sure that this overspend doesn’t happen again next year.
Pay a fixed annual fee for industry leading software and direct support from experts in IT & cloud financial management.
We offer a free trial and a money back guarantee if we can’t save you at least 2x our annual fee.
Explore a 14 day free trial

Our Software Typically Identifies 30% Cost Savings From Your Cloud Bill.

Our experts teach you how to make sure that this overspend doesn’t happen again next year. Unlike your cloud bill, our approach is crystal clear.
You pay a fixed annual fee for industry leading software and direct support from experts in IT & cloud financial management. We offer a free trial and a money back guarantee if we can’t save you at least 2x our annual fee.
Work With Us

Get in Touch with Us

    The Finaptiv Portfolio

    Our founders have spent years at Big 4 and Tier 1 consulting firms, helping dozens of companies to regain control of their technology spend. Our growing client portfolio includes:

    The Problem

    You’ve “moved into the cloud” and your IT costs are actually getting more expensive and less transparent

    30% of cloud spend is wasted due to inefficiencies in how the cloud platform is used
    (Flexera report, 2023)
    Cloud bills are complex and confusing, often made up of ‘000s of line items.
    Cloud cost management SaaS products are too generalised to understand the context of your company and deliver relevant, targeted savings.
    To make technology costs efficient, a new way of working between IT, finance and business teams is required: “FinOps”
    Conclusion: specific tooling and access to deep expertise is required.

    The Solution

    We set you up for cloud cost reduction and cloud financial management. Your organisation will quickly achieve:

    Pay a single annual fee to get full access to the following 3 proposition areas:

    Our proprietary software rapidly provides a detailed view and specific recommendations on where your IT estate is running inefficiently. We work with you to implement the savings across areas such as:

    • Unutilised or underutilised resources
    • Right sizing of resources and / or recommendations on different tiers / architectures
    • Providing visibility on TransactionsPerDollar and / or DollarPerTransaction
    • Sustainability

    It also provides a comprehensive KPI dashboard to help your leadership teams understand costs and opportunity areas over time.

    We initially set our clients up on Optimus, and then enable them to self-serve going forwards. Savings happen in weeks, not months.

    Achieving good cloud cost management (FinOps) is a continuous improvement journey. We provide:

    • A structured maturity assessment on your organisation’s capabilities based on the FinOps Foundation framework, so you know what you do well and where you need to improve
    • A roadmap of recommended actions; these are typically activities that will help you to track and monitor technology spend, forecast and budget better, cross-charge tech spend to the right teams, and buy cloud services more efficiently.

    Organisational collaboration will improve significantly and costs will be further reduced as we help you mature.

    Each year, we will deliver one assessment and one improvement roadmap to help you reach your desired maturity.

    Technology cost management is confusing and complex, so having informal access to people who have “been there before” with practical examples and lessons learned is really powerful.

    • We provide an open-format teleconference twice a month where all clients can come and discuss their latest challenges and ask questions (of us and each other)
    • To maximise the power of community, we enable our clients to interact and buddy up with each other by using a 3rd party community app as a medium of communication. We issue log-ins to clients and drive the community structure and conversation.
    How It Works

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who should use Finaptiv, and when?

    If your organisation currently pays $50,000 or more per annum for a cloud-based service with Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) then let’s discuss how we can help you.

    We are just as effective as helping clients whose IT is outsourced to 3rd party support organisations.

    Unless you have been through specific cloud optimisation activities, it is likely that some of your cloud resources have been set up inefficiently. Example opportunities for optimisation include:

    • Terminating orphan resources
    • Resizing Azure VM instances from FS16v2 to FS4v2, if the utilisation is only 25% at peak workloads
    • Review Database to rightsize and / or migrate
    • Migrate from IaaS to PaaS
    • Provide recommendations for better / cheaper options within PaaS

    Our software will quickly identify these efficiency opportunities and deliver specific recommendations.

    Whilst most organisations approach us once they realise how complex cloud cost management is, we are better positioned to help companies who are at the start of their cloud journey so that good foundations are put in place and expensive mistakes are avoided.

    Our maturity assessment and capability roadmap will also help any organisation that procures cloud services, even if that procurement is managed on their behalf by a 3rd party. We will work with your IT partners to support them in reducing your costs.

    Do you require full access to my organisation’s IT estate?


    You will simply provide us with read-only access to your Azure / AWS / GCP environment. 

    Optimus will then provide it’s analysis recommendations based on the following data:

    • Metadata and configuration
    • Cost management, reservations and billing metrics
    • Network flow logs

    This means we don’t access any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data and there is no intrusive application access.

    What is it like to work with Finaptiv?
    1. After a conversation to determine suitability, we start off by setting you up on the free trial, using our Optimus software. This will interrogate your cloud consumption data and we will run 2 or 3 use cases that typically identify significant cost savings. We present these cost reduction opportunities back to you and you can decide if you want to become a client
    2. Once signed up, we will complete the Optimus set up, run the full range of cost reduction use cases, and present back a detailed report on available cost savings.
    3. Optimus learning modules will enable your teams to run cost saving / optimisation on an ongoing basis so that you stay efficient
    4. Our KPI dashboards are now populated in Optimus and the tool can be used by leadership to drive transparency and efficiency of cloud spend across your organisation.
    5. Our clients are free to join our twice monthly online discussion groups, or watch the recordings back in their own time.
    6. Clients are given access to the Community App so that they can ask questions and learn from peers (and the Finaptiv team)
    7. Around 2 months after sign up, we will run a cloud financial management maturity assessment on your organisation. This is an interview based review, supported by the data in Optimus. We interview a broad range of stakeholders and present back a detailed maturity report and an actionable roadmap for the next 12 months. Delivering this roadmap will enable you to track and monitor technology spend, forecast and budget better, charge tech spend to the right teams, and buy cloud services more efficiently.
    8. Throughout the partnership, our goal is to support you to become self-sufficient in IT cost management, but we are always on hand to support and you can expect to build strong working relationships with our team.
    How much does it cost?

    For our full service (as outlined above, “Our Solution”), we charge 1% of your annual cloud consumption cost, with a minimum spend of £6k per annum.

    We think this is an outstanding value. And remember:

    • Our free trial typically identifies opportunities to reduce your cloud costs by 3-5%.
    • If we can’t identify savings that are at least 2x our annual fee, we will give you a full refund.

    Unlike our SaaS competitors, our software gives our clients specific recommendations and they also get access to deep expertise and insight from experienced cloud practitioners.

    What other benefits are there, and how long does it take to see them?

    As soon as Optimus has run the analysis on your cloud environment, there will be opportunities to deliver efficiencies and reduce costs.

    We provide actionable recommendations, which range from short-term quick wins (which can be implemented within hours), to medium to long term recommendations, depending on the complexity. All of our recommendations will be discussed with your solution architects and business teams to ensure both validity and viability.

    In terms of increasing organisational maturity on cloud cost management, tangible benefits will be seen from around 3 months after sign up, as you implement your capability improvement roadmap. Example benefits of delivering this roadmap:

    • Create transparency of cloud costs that enables leadership to drive behaviour change to reduce wasted spend, and put accountability for good practices onto the relevant teams.
    • Track and monitor cloud spend at a granular level, understanding which teams are responsible for what proportion of cloud spend and being able to charge them accordingly.
    • Learn to forecast your cloud spend accurately and budget appropriately.
    • React quickly to anomalous spikes in cloud consumption (and associated costs), making sure that issues are quickly rectified and do not repeat.
    • Understand how technology costs impact the profitability of products or different parts of your business in different ways.
    • Upskill your team to master and take advantage of the “new normal” of complex technology OPEX spend. This includes creating new collaborations within the organisation between finance, product and IT teams that drive culture change to manage cloud (and all technology) efficiently.
    • Enable the firm to buy cloud and technology services more efficiently, and with greater confidence.
    • Optimise (reduce) cloud and technology costs as a BAU way of working.
    What is included in the free trial?

    For the free trial, you will need to give us read-only access to the Azure / AWS / GCP environment and our software, Optimus, will run a reduced number of tests (use cases) on that data to identify opportunities for cost reduction.

    An example of a test is using Optimus to identify unused cloud resources across your IT estate.

    We will present a specific recommendations plan, which will include quick-wins that typically produce 3-5% savings on your cloud costs.

    Is there really a money back guarantee?


    If we cannot provide very specific, actionable (within 12 months) savings that add up to at least 2x your annual fee, then we will fully refund your fees.

    About Us

    Finaptiv was founded by 2 technologists who saw an opportunity to help organisations navigate a complex field; cloud cost management software is meaningless without context and expert support.

    Our team has a combined 40 years of consulting experience, as independent contractors and in senior leadership positions for Big 4 consultancies and tier 1 systems integrators. We have delivered transformational technology-led change and we have run huge cloud cost saving programmes (£millions) for clients from all sectors.

    We have extensive experience and certifications across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud platforms.
    Our Mission:

    We Support:

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